Covid-19 Catch Up Funding
As you may have heard in the media the government has made an extra amount of money available to schools to help to address the impact of lost school time during the Summer of 2020. This money is being referred to as ‘Catch Up’ funding.
Across the federation we are using the Catch Up funding to increase our teaching capacity. We are using established teachers who the children already know to support them in small targeted areas, or to reduce the size of teaching groups.
Over the rest of the academic year many of the children will have benefited from some specific directed intervention, this might be for reading, writing, spelling, or maths. This might take place within the class, or as part of a smaller intervention group.
To view our Funding Summary please click here.
Pupil Premium
What is Pupil Premium (PP) and who is eligible?
PP grant funding is allocated to local authorities for 2 separate objectives:
raising the educational attainment of disadvantaged pupils of all abilities to help them reach their potential
providing support for children and young people with parents in the regular armed forces
This is then distributed to individual schools based on the number of children they have in the following categories:
children recorded as eligible for free school meals (FSM) or have been recorded as eligible in the past 6 years (FSM Ever 6).
previously looked-after children (PLAC): pupils who were looked after by a local authority or other state care immediately before being adopted, or who left local authority or other state care on a special guardianship order or child arrangements order (previously known as a residence order).
What do schools need to publish 2023-2024?
Schools whose PP grant allocation for the financial year 2023-24 is based on 6 or more eligible pupils are required to publish an updated pupil premium strategy statement annually. Those whose allocation is based on 5 pupils or fewer are not required to publish a pupil premium strategy statement.
At each of our federation schools the number of PP children is 5 or fewer, therefore previous PP strategies can be found on this website but there is no updated 2023-2024 strategy to protect the anonymity for those who qualify for PP spending.
If you wish to discuss whether your child is eligible and how school can benefit from financial support or if you wish to discuss how school has used previous allocations please refer to our PP Strategy 2020-2023 or contact Mrs. Lynsey Wagstaff (Headteacher) or Mrs. Lisa Kitchen (Deputy Head and SENCO).
Pupil Premium Strategy Statement 2021-2023
Sport Premium
Each year school is provided with an amount of government funding known as sport premium. The premium must be used to fund additional and sustainable improvements to the provision of PE and sport, for the benefit of primary-aged pupils.
Please see below for our latest impact Spending Plan for the last school year 2022-2023.
Pyramid Sport
As part of the Shelley Pyramid of Schools we participate in many of the activities provided for our pupils by the Shelley Sports Partnership. Details regarding the events are sent home to parents nearer the time.