Design Technology

''Working together to be our best''


Throughout the Green Hills First Federation, we aim to deliver the National Curriculum for Design technology in an inspiring and enjoyable way. We want pupils to develop both knowledge and practical skills that will enrich their lives and enable them to develop into problem solving, resilient individuals with valuable life skills. We intend to develop each individual’s creativity and imagination.

We intend to use cross-curricula links to enhance their learning, so that they can see and experience the connections with other subjects such as History, Computing, Science and Mathematics. This includes developing their knowledge of significant Design Technology developments through time and the individuals involved.

We want our pupils to have the opportunity to work with a range of materials and food items, working individually and within groups to design, create and evaluate their ideas within the framework of their Christian or individual beliefs. We strive to adapt and differentiate our lessons so that they are accessible to all and establish capable, confident pupils who can assess and manage risks to keep themselves and others safe.


The Design Technology curriculum is taught through a combination of topic related units and standalone projects or Design Technology days. This means we do not teach Design Technology in a vacuum but relate our work to real life, both historical and current. Projects create items to solve problems or meet specific requirements as well as revisit and build upon a wide range of skills and techniques. Through topic links, we teach about some of the important individuals and Design Technology developments that have occurred through history. We also use outside expertise to enrich our curriculum and provide exciting projects for pupils to get involved in.

Each school within The Federation has its own rolling programme to ensure full coverage and plan activities that can build on prior skills.  Teachers demonstrate the safe use of equipment and explain risks so that pupils can develop their own confidence, knowledge and skills to work competently, keeping themselves and others safe. Our youngest pupils are guided through a range of exploratory experiences and older pupils work to specific criteria. They are given time to reflect and evaluate their own and others’ work. We share our achievements with the wider school community.


Pupils will know a range of ways to join materials and create items using a variety of different resources. They will also be able to create simple food dishes. They will be confident users of a variety of basic tools and be able to assess the risk of these tools, using common sense measures to keep themselves and others safe.

They will know about important designers from the past and the impact that their work had on society. Pupils will have developed the ability to reflect and evaluate. They will display an attitude that promotes resilience and perseverance.

We strive to ensure that, by the time pupils leave our schools they will have developed a range of practical life skills from which they will benefit and that they will be able to contribute positively to their communities and society.