Breakfast & After School Club


Thurstonland First School Breakfast Club operates each morning Monday to Friday from 8am - 9:05am and provides a relaxed, fun environment for pupils prior to the start of the school day.

Mrs Julie Parker and Miss Courtney Gledhill are the team who look after the children attending Breakfast Club. They are also our lunchtime supervisors so our children know them well and feel confident in their care.

After School Club operates straight after school from 3:30pm - 5:30pm Monday to Thursday. Our staff members are Miss Courtney Gledhill and Miss Katie Walshaw.

Regular sessions can be booked via the school office and ad-hoc sessions may be available as a one-off at short notice, depending on capacity. Bookings can be made by emailing

Payment is made at the start of each half-term via ParentPay with ad-hoc sessions billed the half-term following. The costs are currently: Breakfast Club £4.25 per child and After School Club £9 per child.  

Child care vouchers can also be used (we are registered with several providers - see list below).

Child Care Vouchers

The school accepts payment via childcare vouchers for childcare fees and other applicable non-curriculum charges.

Please click here to view an up to date list of childcare voucher providers we are registered with currently.

Club Policies

Please refer to the full list of school policies, which also apply to the Breakfast Club and After School child care provision.